Volume 24
PechaKucha Night Asheville returns to The Grove House for an evening of fascinating presentations from Asheville's most creative and interesting people, all following the beautifully simple PechaKucha 20x20 format: 20 images, shown for 20 seconds each.
The February 20 event is part of "International PechaKucha Day" (2/20/2020 -- get it?).
We're collaborating with AIGA Asheville -- the professional association for design -- for this event, so we'll be exploring design and the designers of WNC through a variety of lenses.
Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter!
Doors open at 7 PM and the program begins at 7:30.
When we sell out there will be standing room, so arrive by 7:15 to claim your seat.
Tickets are $10 online through January 31, $11 until 5p February 20, and $12 at the door.
You take the stage! We’ll show five random images for 20 seconds each; you improvise a talk without knowing what is coming next. The result? Hilarity! Each volunteer receives a free ticket to the next PK Night Asheville on 05.08.2020!!!
If you're new to PechaKucha, go brush up on the details: pechakucha.com If you have questions after that, give us a holler!
If it ain't your first rodeo, we're so eager to see you again. The organizers are thankful for your patience as we dove deeper into the worlds of business-building and human-raising!
NineBar Creative